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Slime Village VR

Slime Village VR is a 3D sandbox in cute Lowpoly graphics, created especially for virtual reality glasses.

Stock: 68

App Type: game

Steam AppID: 1867350 Steam Store


Game Description
Slime Village VR is a 3D sandbox in cute Lowpoly graphics, created especially for virtual reality glasses.

The essence of the game is to search for various interactions between objects of the environment or just suffering from nonsense in the virtual world. For example, is it possible to chop down a tree with blaster shots, how high can a slime be thrown without consequences, or can I chop two trees at once with two axes.

In this sandbox, you can:

- Shoot a bow
- Draw on any surface in the virtual world
- Cut down trees
- Break stones
- Play basketball
- Operate various mechanisms using levers and clamping plates (For example, open a cache, turn on a light or start a mill)
- Admire slimes or increase their population by dividing into 2 parts, not without the use of physical force)
- Or just build a tower of cubes

And also find various Easter eggs not inherent in a magical village, for example, blasters or a space rocket.

In the study of the virtual world, signs and signs will help you, and to move you can use the teleport.