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Game Description
Clowns are freak you out? It's time to revenge!
Ball of Wonder is an arkanoid style game, in the magnicifent world of circuses. Play througth 50 levels in 9 game mode alone or in cooperate with your friend. Destroy the puzzle elements, Ferris wheel' steats and clowns.
Ball of Wonder has 9 different power-ups and you need to activate them manualy. If you have some power-up at the and of the level, you will got them in the next one.
Remember, there is 9 different game mode in Ball of Wonder, like:
-Destroy everything
-Gather points
-Pop up the balloons
-Destroy everything in the dark

Oh, and before i forgot: there's two boss fight of them is againts a big, bad clown. Go and catch it!