$0.21 per unit
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'n Verlore Verstand
Be prepared to be transported to a reality of dreams and nightmares. What will you discover about yourself in this journey through the subconscious?Stock: 312
App Type: game
Steam AppID: 439550
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Game Description
Update Notes
v1.3.3 Release Notes Fixes: -Truck levels are now fixed -The flowers that weren't interactable are now fixed -The Language Flags have been adjusted to display properly on all resolutions -A lot of small fixes and tweaks. Known Issues: When setting controls in VR use a controller as mouse input and head look interaction doesnt work with the controller options screen. Also be sure to check out the discussions for other Known Issues and fixes/workarounds are detailed there. P.S. Translated versions of this Update Notes section of the store page will be coming soon.