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Wolflord - Werewolf Online
Is your friend a bloodthirsty werewolf? Is your neighbor a demon from the eternal abyss? Band together in the small town and unmask the evil characters before everything is lost.Stock: 1120
App Type: game
Steam AppID: 657730
steamdb.info Steam StoreTags
Game Description
A terrible curse has spread to our fair city. A curse that if left unchecked, will threaten us all. The nights have grown long, and with it, hordes of evil creatures come with it. Werewolves, demons, skeletons, ghouls, and they all want just one thing. To feast on our flesh and take over our souls.
But we will not stand for this! We will band together and root out this evil. Together we will unmask whoever is behind this, and put a stop to this menace.
Lies, deception, evaluation and careful speech is key components to the game of Wolflord.
But we will not stand for this! We will band together and root out this evil. Together we will unmask whoever is behind this, and put a stop to this menace.
Wolflord is a multiplayer online intrigue game, where you will be matched with other players and put in small groups, where it is vital to your survival that you eliminate the evildoers among you. Or, if luck will have it and you draw an evil card yourself, work with your secret team to take control of the game.Lies, deception, evaluation and careful speech is key components to the game of Wolflord.